April Pool's Day 2025Get the 4-11!

Absence Report

Make-up Policy

Once you notify the SLP of absence, that spot is no longer yours, and may be offered to other students needing a make-up.

We believe that children are most successful in a consistent learning environment. Overuse of rescheduling negatively affects classes and your child's progress. Please honor the spirit of this privilege and use it only for illness and serious conflicts. One free make-up per month for an absence with notice. Make-Ups cannot accumulate over months. Each additional make-up in a given month is $5. A minimum of 24-hour notice before a class is required in order to be able to make-up the missed class. In the event of an illness or medical emergency, a doctor's note can be presented to waive the make-up fee. Continual no call no shows will result in make up scheduling being revoked.

Once you notify the SLP of absence, that spot is no longer yours, and may be offered to other students needing a make-up.
- Make-ups can be requested 7 days in advance of the desired make-up date.
- Make-ups cannot be guaranteed as they are based on availability and space may be limited.
- All make-ups expire 30 days after the missed class.
- Make-up lessons expire on drop date if withdrawing from lessons and do not carry over.
- Make-up swim lessons with specific teachers cannot be guaranteed.
- Make-up swim lessons are scheduled based upon availability and spaces may be limited. There is no guarantee that openings will "fit" your schedule.
- All missed private or semi-private lessons may not be able to be made up in a private or semi-private lesson.

We do not recommend makeup classes if your child:
Is upset or anxious about any aspect of the swim lesson experience (strangers, noise, separation anxiety, water, submersions, etc)
Is sensitive to change (time, teacher, environment)

We thank you in advance for your patience while we find an appropriate and safe way to schedule your child for a makeup class!

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