April Pool's Day 2025Get the 4-11!

Monthly Group

Year-round monthly lessons to teach your kids how to swim!

Learn to Swim Monthly Group Program Offerings

SLP Monthly Membership: (Offered Year Round) The Swim Lesson People's Perpetual Lessons model is the perfect solution for parents looking to balance a desire to keep their kids’ swim skills sharp with a busy schedule. Offered year round, classes in the Monthly Perpetual Lesson program meet once per week for 25 minutes. Unlike typical swim lessons that lock you into a set day and time for a predetermined session, Swim Lesson People lets you choose a lesson time that fits your family’s schedule. Then, if (okay, when) your schedule changes, just let us know and we’ll switch you to a different day or time. It’s that easy and convenient. There’s no wasted time or money and, most important, your child’s development stays on track with no interruptions. Our Perpetual Lessons model also allows you the flexibility to pay month-to-month rather than requiring you to pay for a multi-month session in advance.

Group Lesson Monthly tuition is $100/ month. If you take multiple classes or have siblings a $5 discount will be applied.

​$40 Annual Registration Fee is applied every calendar year (January- December) with a max fee of $75 per family.

Memberships are billed monthly and payment/ draft is due on the 25th of the month. Unpaid accounts are subject to a late fee of $15, per swimmer, if not paid by the 28th; and, unpaid accounts will be withdrawn if not paid by the 1st of the month. If you need to make payment arrangements, please contact our Business Manager at 817-599-7946 option 4 or info@theswimlessonpeople.com

How old is your swimmer?

6-24 Months

24-36 Months

3 Years Old

4 & 5 Years Old

6-12 Years Old

Adaptive Aquatics

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