illness Policy
A safe and healthy environment is important for all children. This wellness policy is designed to protect the health of your child, other children, and the staff.
Please do not bring your child to swim lessons if he/she has had:
- Diarrhea, vomiting or ear infections within 7 days
- A fever of 100* or higher
- Undiagnosed sores or rash
- Pink eye
- Someone in the household is currently showing flu-like symptoms
Your child must be symptom-free, without medication for 48-hours before returning to the pool for class.
If your child has an open sore that requires a bandage, please do not allow them to swim, remove ALL band-aids before entering water. If the cut or scrape requires a bandage, the child should not swim until the wound is healed.
Please inform instructors of any medical conditions such as diabetes, tubes in the ears, epilepsy, asthma or any physical or neurological disabilities prior to the start of lessons. These conditions do not hinder a child from participating, but may affect the way a teacher attends to each students needs.
Swim Diaper Policy
All children under the age of 3 or children that are not potty trained must wear a cloth, non-disposable swim diaper while in the water. We do not require that you also wear another diaper underneath the cloth diaper but you may do so if you would like. These cloth, non-disposable swim diapers are available for purchase at our facility if you are unable to find at a local retailer or online.