Private Swim Lessons in Weatherford, TX
Looking for a more individualized swim experience?
Sometimes a child or an adult will need more individual attention for their swim instruction, and for those , we offer private swimming lessons.
- Age-appropriate and FUN learning
- Private lessons are adapted to INDIVIDUAL needs
- Ages 2 years and up
- No down time waiting for others
- Better value than group lessons
- Quickest way to learn

Interested in private lessons?
- 30 minute lesson meets once per week
- 1:1 Instruction $325 per month tuition
- 2:1 Instruction (semi-private) $175 per month tuition per swimmer
- Private Lessons are available for swimmers ages 2 1/2 and up. Younger learners are sometimes not ready to be away from parent for such and extended time just yet in the water.
If no options are listed below we are on a waitlist. Please be sure to complete the Request Form linked above.
- 30 minute- single, one time lesson
- $85 per class.
- Drop-in Private Lessons are available for swimmers ages 3 and up.
- Instructor is subject to change based on availability
Mini Privates
Sometimes 30 minutes is a bit much for a swimmer's attention when they are the only person in class. Our 15 minute mini lessons pack swim and safety skills in a quick paced learning setting.
- Ages 2 and up
- 1 student: 1 teacher
- 15 minutes of instructional time
- Cost: $175/ month
If no options are listed below we are on a waitlist. Please be sure to complete the Request Form linked above.